District 9 Councilor Harris sponsored presentations at Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center.
March 3, Council passed a Traffic Study to analyze Tramway-Eubank south of Central, looking at needed improvements, routes, cut through traffic, etc.
May 22, public meeting on East Gateway Sector Development Plan at 6:30 pm at the MMMC.
Carol Meincke, Sandia National Labs, described the programs at the lab. SNL is a government owned, contractor operated (GOCO) complex managed by Lockheed Martin for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) under general supervision by the federal Department of Energy.
Five major areas expanded/completed through large investment:
Master Engineering and Systems Applications (MESA), External Communication, Test Capabilities Revitalization (phase 1), Master Substation, and Center for Integrated Nano-Technology (CINT).
SNL's major projects are part of the NNSA's Complex Transformation designed to upgrade, rebuild, and create smaller, more efficient, more secure, modern, safer, and more economical set of capabilities. [Complex Transformation was presented on March 11 at the convention center.]
SNL seeks stable Supplier Partnerships based on Best Value (not necessarily cheapest price) contracts with competent local businesses, such as CH2MHILL, Garrett-Smith, Smith Engineering, and Bridges.
SNL received a federal "green" award for past accomplishments in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.
Colonel R E Suminsby, Commander of the 377th Air Base Wing, provided an overview of KAFB, the 6th largest Air Force Base with 52,000 acres and a total of 23,000 employees (military, civilian, all tenant organizations). KAFB is NM's largest employer, spending about $3 Billion locally, with a $3.2 Billion payroll. As a multi-mission complex, KAFB and its tenants have tasks in every USAF mission area and, through SNL and others, in the commercial sector (an example was research for Goodyear tires).
Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) will add about 1000 employees by 2010, including movement of the Reserve Center from Wyoming between Central and Lomas to a new facility inside the KAFB fence. BRAC will also close the confinement facility (good) and consolidate the Space Vehicle Directorate, a major tenant organization. Cannon AFB will transfer 3 F-16 aircraft to KAFB, and the Air Force Research Lab will move the Space Vehicle Battlespace Environmental Lab from Hanscom AFB (north of Boston) to KAFB, with + 284 people...many of whom may be local hires if existing staff prefer not to move to Albuquerque.
Leasing is a new thrust, including two proposed areas south of Gibson Blvd west of KAFB for office and industrial use, two renewable energy leases (solar collector fields), and other commercial options.
KAFB has had a problem with trails and access near Otero Canyon in the east; may release 530 acres to National Parks. Also have signed an agreement with Albuquerque for the preservation of a wildlife corridor through KAFB in and along the Tijeras Arroyo watershed.
Jim Clinch, Manager of the Sandia Science and Tech Park, provided an overview of SSTP, which began 10 years ago with approval of a master plan. SSTP is about 200 acres on both sides of Eubank and includes the future National Museum of Nuclear Science and History (former Atomic Museum) on SW corner of Eubank and Southern and CINT farther to the south.
SSTP organizations employ about 2100 people now; look to grow to 6000 in another 10 years.
SSTP has public/private partnership agreements involving many government organizations (e.g., DOE, NM, County, City, MR COG) and 27 corporate partners (e.g., EMCORE, Ktech, TVC, TEAM Technologies).
Grants. $2.85 million from Dept of Commerce + $200,000 for planning; NM $1.157 million in infrastructure; Albuquerque $$785,000 plus about $3.4 million improvements to Eubank Blvd.
Total investment = $67 million public and $229 million private.
Average salary of SSTP = $62,000/year compared to $37,000 citywide.
Community service includes blood drives and food collection and donation.