Monday, January 12, 2009

Eastgateway Coalition Newsletter NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2008

(Publication date: January 4, 2009)

Revitalization of East Central Avenue. Another public meeting was held on November 20, 2008, to report progress on the East Gateway Sector Development Plan. The Sector Plan boundaries are Virginia Street on the west, Copper Avenue to I-40 on the north, the City limit on the east, and KAFB on the south as shown below; the smaller Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is a darker shade. In a related matter, the Moratorium and Interim Design Standards affecting construction along East Central Avenue, in place now for more than two years, will probably be modified to allow for single story commercial development along Central. One construction project at Central and Elizabeth SE is moving forward. Maestas and Ward, the developer for Franklin Square at Juan Tabo and Central, will proceed slowly to redevelop that corner property. The Sector Plan contractors and Planning staff will hold additional public input meetings in the next month or so.
(Map was included in the email to all)
Reports and status may be reviewed at Paula Donahue, the city’s Senior Planner for the Sector Plan, can be reached at 924-3932 or Although this round of comments ended on December 18, 2008, Paula solicits your input concerning how this corner of the city should be modernized.

Great Streets. The Planning Department developed a facility plan for aesthetic landscaping, limiting parking, walkable sidewalks, and other features to provide a “sense of place” along selected streets in Albuquerque. The Environmental Planning Commission reviewed the plan earlier in December and deferred further action until January 22, 2009. Status and the December 2008 revised version of the plan can be found at

Form Based Zones. The proposed addition to the Zoning Code was forwarded to the City Council on November 5, 2008, with extensive suggestions by the Environmental Planning Commission. The complete Planning Staff report is 852 pages long; will the Council read that thoroughly? The FBZ will probably include:
Language was added to the General provisions establishing the use of the zones as allowed by existing legislation.
A list of incentives was included.
A new implementation process was adopted and is described in the plan.
Language regarding the administration of the zones was clarified and simplified.
The Definitions section has been removed and coordinated with the Zoning Code.
Many technical changes.
It is anticipated that the Chair of the Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee will schedule FBZ for hearing later this month or in February.

Economic situation. The Mayor has proposed significant budget reductions to offset lower revenue projections. The Council has proposed cuts of about $23,000,000 in a similar vein. It is expected that many city services and projects may be reduced in scope, eliminated, or deferred pending improvements in the overall economy and tax revenues. The New Mexico Legislature will be wrestling with similar concerns during the upcoming session.

Next Coalition meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on January 22, 2009, at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. This is the Annual Meeting, and member association representatives are strongly urged to attend. The agenda includes election of the President and Secretary, a summary report of activities of the Public Regulatory Commission by Jason Marks, and an intriguing discussion of mail and identity theft by Inspector Stephanie Herman, United States Postal Inspection Service. I heard Inspector Herman’s presentation at the New Mexico Crime Prevention Association meeting late in 2008—she covers a lot of topics that threaten all of us.

Roger Mickelson 323-9273

revised East Gateway Coalition Annual Meeting Agenda

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Annual Meeting Agenda for January 22, 2009
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center

6:30 Call to Order (Roger Mickelson)

6:35 Approval of Minutes
Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
Changes to Bylaws approved by e-vote Oct-Nov 2008

6:40 Election of President and Secretary
Nominations from the floor
Summary statements of qualifications by candidates if desired
Election by voting members

6:55 Public Regulation Commission Activities (Jason Marks, PRC)

7:10 Mail and Identity Theft (Stephanie Herman, USPIS)

Special Guest Speaker Mayor Martin J. Chávez

8:40 Adjourn (Roger Mickelson)