OCTOBER 20, 2011
Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Roger Mickelson. The President then introduced: City Councillor, Dan Lewis; Lenton Malry, representing Bernalillo County; Sally Mayer, Mayor’s office representative; Matt Zidowski, Heinrich assistant. He then introduced Commander Cliff Saylor, from the Lomas APD office.
Commander Saylor noted that APD has been working diligently on reducing loitering, jay walking, and trespassers in the area. He also noted that the officers have been active in patrolling parking lots and checking vehicles and have noted a reduction in losses and damages. He suggested that people always park in well-lighted areas, close to the business, and that everything be placed in the car’s trunk. He noted there has been an increase in counterfeit money being circulated and advised all to take a good look at bills handed them. He stated shop lifting would not be tolerated. If you have a concern you may email him at c.saylor@cabq.gov.
The President then introduced Col. Hornyak, Vice Commander at KAFB. Col. Hornyak presented a video on the many things accomplished at KAFB. He noted there are 21,248 people working on base every day. The number one mission is nuclear, as in many ways all things nuclear lead to weapons. In looking at the operations training at the base he noted flying planes and helicopters with combat reserve officers being in a two-year training program. On mission training he noted it goes from the ground to the air. Economic impact on Albuquerque is 4.3 billion dollars a year which is from job creation, payrolls, and local purchases. He said $310.5 million goes to small businesses. He spoke of the fuel spill and noted they are trying to find out how deep the spill goes, and how far it extends. Hopefully some answers by summer of 2012. He noted it is still a long way from city water wells. In his closing remarks the colonel noted that there is a huge need to get young people interested in the things performed by base personnel and over $3 million is invested in this area to achieve this goal.
Mr. Mickelson then introduced Matt Rivera, Bernalillo County election director. Mr. Rivera noted that there are presently 441 precincts in the county, which will be consolidated into approximately l87 through a new program. He stated that presently less than twenty percent vote on election day; the latest election had 27%, with 44% voting via early voting. Under the new concept voters may vote at any voting location. This will reduce the number of poll workers needed; the number of ballots which must be printed; and the number of p0olling places required. He stated election costs in 2008 were $3.3 million; the current model indicates costs will be $2.4 million. With consolidation, projected costs would be $$1.4 million, and voting locations would be reduced from 187 to 69.
New Mexico State Senator Tim Keller and Representative Jim White spoke briefly on redistricting and noted the Legislature was unable to come to any redistricting resolution during the recent special session. It was noted that Rio Rancho population had increase by 5%, and would gain a new representative. Representative White stated that the passed capital outlay bill allowed for an $8 million supplement to the food stamp program for another year. It was also noted that the legislature voted to impeach Public Relation Commissioner, Jerome Block.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24.
Respectfully submitted,
Geneiva Meeker