Tuesday, May 5, 2015

EWGC Meeting Minutes 4/15/2015

APRIL 14, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Roger Hartman. The president welcomed New Mexico Senator Mimi Stewart, New Mexico Representative Jim Dines and all other attendees.
President Hartman noted the minutes of the January 15, 2015 were approved.
The president called on Darrell Dady, representing Bernalillo County, for his presentation. Mr. Dady noted the County Assessor will mail notice of property assessments shortly, and noted the avenues available for protesting the assessment. He noted upcoming happenings in county parks, and stated there is REALLY no Poop Fairy and he wished everyone would use the provided bags to clean up after pets. He also called attention to the fact that Bernalillo County’s Water Conservation Ordinance went into effect on April l.
All the state legislators with constituents on the East Gateway area were invited but not all could attend.
Senator Mimi Stewart reported on the recent session of the State Legislature. She commented on the number of good bills which passed, and noted that many more did not make it out of the various committees, and were not presented. It resulted that the least number of bills passed this year since 1969.
Representative Jim Dines agreed with Senator Stewart that many important bills died in committee and commented on the hard work of legislators. He also said that it was still unclear if there would be a Special Session.
President Hartman reported on that the “tent city” in the area is being watched closely, and the property owners have been contacted by Bernalillo county representatives to notify them of the problem.
Andrew Webb, Policy Analyst from the City Planning Department presented a slide presentation of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Update and Unified Development Ordinance. There are several future meetings and hearings to be held on the plan which looks at the Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments’ long range plan for the area by year 2030.
Mr. Webb noted there will be workshops held in each quadrant of the city, and the one for this area will be June 23, 2015 at the Manzano Multi-Generational Center from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

EGWC Meeting Agenda for 4/14/2015

Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center, Room 5
April 14, 2015

6:30  Call to order
6:35   Approve minutes from the last meeting.
6:40 - 7:45  Presentations from NM legislators with constituents in the East Gateway Coalition Area and Q&A.  All have been invited.
7:45  Presentation by Mr. Andrew Webb, Policy Analyst/Planning, Albuquerque City Council, on the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County  Comprehensive Plan and to overhaul the City's zoning and subdivision regulations to more effectively implement that plan.  Q&A following the presentation.
8:30  Announce speaker's scheduled for the June meeting.


Friday, April 3, 2015

EGWC Meeting Minutes 1/15/2015



JANUARY 15, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by President Roger Mickelson, who then stated that Roger Hartman had been nominated for President, and Geneiva Meeker had been nominated for Secretary. He then called for nominations from the floor; there being none, Warren Rowe moved nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and passed. The president then stated that election of the candidates would be accomplished by an e-vote which will be sent to all "dues paid member association representatives".

President Mickelson called on APD Foothills Area Command Commander John Thies. Commander Thies introduced Officer Kathryn White, and noted all officers are requested attend at least on such local meeting each year. He then noted that crime in the foothills area had decreased during the month on November. He stated there had been a decrease in auto thefts and burglaries. He stated that crime had been somewhat higher in the Singing Arrow area, however. Commander Thies noted that most crime committed in this area is committed by persons who do not live in the area.

President Mickelson stated that Jim Hamel, who is with the City’s contracting department, was scheduled to speak about the proposed Four Hills Road landscape project; however he was unable to attend the meeting. The president noted the project has been four years in the making, and State Senator Sue Wilson Beffort and State Representative Jim White had introduced legislation in 2014 to grant $50,000 to the project. However, the funds have been held up in the city as to how to commence the process.

President Mickelson stated that last January he and Roger Hartman attended meetings in which the city was looking to award 2.6 million dollars to an affordable housing project which was to be located at 13001 Central Avenue. There were no published public notices on that meeting; or on any subsequent meetings. He noted that many of the meetings were held, and action taken, which did not have a required quorum of members of the Affordable Housing Committee present. Mickelson and Hartman are working with Rob Perry, City CAO, to attain transparency of city expenditures and use of public funds.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Submitted by, Geneiva Meeker, Secretary.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

EGWC Meeting Minutes 1/15/2015


JANUARY 15, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by President Roger Mickelson, who then stated that Roger Hartman had been nominated for President, and Geneiva Meeker had been nominated for Secretary. He then called for nominations from the floor; there being none, Warren Rowe moved nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and passed. The president then stated that election of the candidates would be accomplished by an e-vote which will be sent to all "dues paid member association representatives".
President Mickelson called on APD Foothills Area Command Commander John Thies. Commander Thies introduced Officer Kathryn White, and noted all officers are requested attend at least on such local meeting each year. He then noted that crime in the foothills area had decreased during the month on November. He stated there had been a decrease in auto thefts and burglaries. He stated that crime had been somewhat higher in the Singing Arrow area, however. Commander Thies noted that most crime committed in this area is committed by persons who do not live in the area.
President Mickelson stated that Jim Hamel, who is with the City’s contracting department, was scheduled to speak about the proposed Four Hills Road landscape project; however he was unable to attend the meeting. The president noted the project has been four years in the making, and State Senator Sue Wilson Beffort and State Representative Jim White had introduced legislation in 2014 to grant $50,000 to the project. However, the funds have been held up in the city as to how to commence the process.
President Mickelson stated that last January he and Roger Hartman attended meetings in which the city was looking to award 2.6 million dollars to an affordable housing project which was to be located at 13001 Central Avenue. There were no published public notices on that meeting; or on any subsequent meetings. He noted that many of the meetings were held, and action taken, which did not have a required quorum of members of the Affordable Housing Committee present. Mickelson and Hartman are working with Rob Perry, City CAO, to attain transparency of city expenditures and use of public funds.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by,
Geneiva Meeker, Secretary.