East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2009
The quarterly meeting, held at the Manzano Mesa Multi-generational center, was called to order at 6:42 .m. by President Roger Mickelson. There was not a quorum present.
The President introduced New Mexico State Representative R.J. Berry. Representative Berry commented that paving at Central and Tramway was underway as the NM Department of Transportation was able to transfer $200,000 to the project, thanks to the efforts of Larry Vellasquez, NM Department of Transportation. Rep. Berry noted that the legislature had the least number of bills introduced in the 60-day session since 1985. He stated the state is solvent for four years; however the 2010 budget will be smaller than that for 2009. It was stated that state government hired 5,700 new employees during the current administration. He believes a special session will be called in August or September to deal with fiscal matters.
NM State Senator Sue Wilson-Beffort was introduced and commented that she had served in the legislature for thirteen years, presently on the Senate Finance Committee, and has never witnessed the fiscal dilemma that this year’s legislature has had to deal with. She noted that due to this fiscal problem, no new programs were introduced to the legislators.
NM State Representative Tim Keller was introduced and spoke of actions taken by the legislature for corporations, education, Tax Increment Development Districts, green jobs, a 40% tax cuts for green remodels, $400,000 allocated for films, $60,000 for Eclipse Aviation, and the allocation of $180,000 for the study of the Southern Blvd. intersection in the sector plan being studied for the area.
Bernalillo County Commissioner, Michael Brasher was introduced and discussed the continuing problem of our jail over-crowding, which he feels is due to the inefficient system of legal operations. He noted that we need to apply pressure to more quickly to get from arrest, to trial, to sentence. He said attorneys stall, and 98% of pleas are entered at the last minute. There is a huge need to get attorneys, public defenders, and courts to work together, seeking earlier plea agreements as one priority measure. Mr. Brasher noted that the Water Utility is increasing rates, the City is increasing taxes, and that the time is wrong to be raising taxes and rates.
Roger Mickelson then introduced Steve Sink, APD Crime Prevention specialist. Mr. Sink’s first statement was “You are the person responsible for your safety”. He noted that the more information you can provide about an offender, the better the chance of the person’s being caught. Be aware of your surroundings; trust your instincts; follow through. He stated that “meth” is driving the crime rate. The triangle of crime is: motive, target, opportunity; so be aware of your surroundings at all times. He had the following suggestions: get rid of purses and wallets; etch VIN numbers on vehicle windshield and windows; trim hedges and shrubs on your property so no one can hide in them; have good outdoor lighting; put longer screws in door frames; when you are away, do not stop mail and papers, have a neighbor pick them up. Door to door solicitors must have a city permit with them and can only come to your home from 9 a.m. to dusk.
Bernadette Miera, Bernalillo County Neighborhood Association contact, was introduced and spoke of notifications she sends to community neighborhood leaders.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Geneiva Meeker
Thursday, June 18, 2009
East Gateway Coalition of Associations Meeting Minutes 4/21/2009
1:03 PM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings