bcc: Coalitions, associations, some others.
Many of us have experienced the negative effects of closing Interstate 40. Clogged NM 333, major connectors (e.g., Central, Tramway), shopping center parking lots, and residential streets near those roadways. There have been many meetings and offline discussions. We've had excellent support from State legislators, Commissioner Brasher, and others----at the last meeting, the NMDOT Secretary and the acting Exec Director of MR COG were very supportive of making more progress. I've been pushing for the development of a comprehensive, coordinated plan so that we know (and they know) what can be done to minimize the traffic jams.
I hope that we can get some responsive presentations from panelists at the January 14 meeting (Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center, beginning at 6:30 pm). We will be in the gymnasium, so space is not limited for those who wish to attend. I urge member associations to invite their members as evidence of growing community concerns.
Merry Christmas, Roger Mickelson
Many of us have experienced the negative effects of closing Interstate 40. Clogged NM 333, major connectors (e.g., Central, Tramway), shopping center parking lots, and residential streets near those roadways. There have been many meetings and offline discussions. We've had excellent support from State legislators, Commissioner Brasher, and others----at the last meeting, the NMDOT Secretary and the acting Exec Director of MR COG were very supportive of making more progress. I've been pushing for the development of a comprehensive, coordinated plan so that we know (and they know) what can be done to minimize the traffic jams.
I hope that we can get some responsive presentations from panelists at the January 14 meeting (Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center, beginning at 6:30 pm). We will be in the gymnasium, so space is not limited for those who wish to attend. I urge member associations to invite their members as evidence of growing community concerns.
Merry Christmas, Roger Mickelson