Friday, January 22, 2010



The meeting was called to order at 6:40 by President Roger Mickelson, who stated the purpose of the meeting was to hear from representatives of the State Department of Transportation, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department and Albuquerque Police Department about plans and actions to alleviate traffic congestion resulting from closure of I-40 due to severe weather or serious accidents.

The President introduced the following persons: Jim White, NM State Representative; Michael Brasher, Bernalillo County Commissioner; Tony Abbo, NM Department of Transportation; Captain Andy Montoya, NM State Police; Chief Deputy Dave Linthicum, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department; and Commander Levi Anaya, Albuquerque Police Department, who constituted the panelists. He then introduced the following dignitaries in the audience: Mike Plese, District Engineer; Lenton Malry, County Manager’s office; Tito Madrid, Mayor’s office; and Jorja Brasher, Director Office of Senior Affairs.

Representative Jim White opened the discussion by stating that in a situation where it must be determined as to whether or not the interstate must be closed or is safe to remain open, it must first be determined just who is in charge. Must equipment be sent out for removal of snow or vehicles involved in accidents? If the Sheriff is there first, who does he hand it over to? We must determine who is responsible to get the job done.

County Commissioner Brasher stated that solving the problem is not a public convenience, but an absolute necessity. He said there have been several meetings lately, and things are beginning to come together, and an operational plan of action should be signed and in place in a short time.

The next speaker, Mr. Tony Abbo of the Department of Transportation, stated that in the case of an accident or impassable roads, the local law enforcement agency would call the DOT and request closure. He stated there are four cameras in the area along I-40 which are monitored by DOT; the emergency number, 511, has been improved immensely; web sites have been installed; and signs are in place for instant alert and warning messaging. He stated co-ordination meetings are held every three or four months. When a dangerous storm is predicted, the snow removal crews are placed on stand-by and when the storm moves in, they are sent out immediately.

Captain Andy Montoya of NM State Police, District 5, stated that the priority in the operation of the interstate is to keep the roads open. However, he only has one or two officers in the area at any particular time, and it is difficult to patrol such a large area.

Chief Deputy Dave Linthicum of Bernalillo County Sheriff’s office stated that when they view a dangerous situation on any interstate, it will be closed if necessary, and the State Police will be notified.

Commander Levi Anaya, Albuquerque Police Department, stated that in the past when it was necessary to close I-40 it was closed at Tramway. Now (because of the heavy traffic load) it is necessary to close it either at Eubank or at Juan Tabo, which creates a lot of evacuation to the local streets and parking lots. He stated that it is absolutely necessary that Central be left open to handle traffic flow both locally and to old Route 66. It cannot become congested with parked 18 wheelers. He said APD has jurisdiction of I-25 and I-40 within the city limits and that APD’s website has DOT information posted on it also.

Audience question: “Who has the keys to the gates that would be closed in the case of a shut-down of the interstate?” Answer from Mr. Abbo: “DOT is working on an agreement with the City as to who opens and closes the gates.”

Audience question: “Electronic signs to divert traffic sooner than Eubank or Juan Tabo must be activated in an emergency situation.” Answer from Mr Abbo: “Signs are installed as far west as Gallup and can be activated by the DOT Traffic Management Center. We can get information to truckers on their citizens band radios about various places to park their rigs. For a longer shut-down of the freeway, traffic may be diverted to the fairgrounds, the balloon park, Wilson Stadium, Walmart’s parking lots, etc.”

Audience question: “Who is in charge at Central and Tramway?” Commander Anaya: “It is under my jurisdiction. However, it is tough to know when to move 18-wheelers away, as we get conflicting information as to how long the interstate will be closed, and just when it will be open again. Trucks will not move down Tramway due to load limitation.”

Mr. Abbo: There are presently four electronic signs in the city.

Chief Deputy Linthicum: “The casinos have agreed to allow parking on their lots, and have indicated that they will put messages on their signs inviting parking in their lots.”

Mr. Abbo: “We will use all available public information officers to get information out to the public. We are diligently working on a plan of action which we hope to have in place within a short period of time.

Mr. Mickelson thanked Representative White, Commissioner Brasher, and the panelists, noting an increased spirit of cooperation to mitigate traffic congestion resulting from closure.

Mr. Mickelson stated that the remaining agenda item, “Elections”, would be dealt with via e-mail.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.