Saturday, December 31, 2011

EGWC of Associations Meeting Agenda for 1/19/2012

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for January 19, 2012
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 Election of Vice President and Treasurer*

6:40 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor

6:45 Future Recycling in Albuquerque Bobby Sisneros, CABQ

7:15 Major Development Projects Representatives of Dept of
Municipal Development

8:50 Adjourn Roger Mickelson

Monday, December 19, 2011

EGWC Meeting January 19, 2012

This is the annual meeting, and we need to nominate (and hopefully elect) the Vice President and Treasurer, whose terms would run for two years.

Zach Hahn, the Treasurer, has moved and submitted his resignation. We need someone to pick up those duties, although almost nothing happens in terms of new NA member dues (it's now a one-time payment) or costs. So....who will run for Treasurer????

I'll contact prospective speakers, and would appreciate your views on topics, talkers, and any other ideas for the agenda. Remember, it's non-political, non-partisan, no candidates for elected office may campaign.

Regards, Roger MickelsonPresident, East Gateway Coalition of Associations332-9273

Thursday, December 15, 2011


OCTOBER 20, 2011

Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Roger Mickelson. The President then introduced: City Councillor, Dan Lewis; Lenton Malry, representing Bernalillo County; Sally Mayer, Mayor’s office representative; Matt Zidowski, Heinrich assistant. He then introduced Commander Cliff Saylor, from the Lomas APD office.
Commander Saylor noted that APD has been working diligently on reducing loitering, jay walking, and trespassers in the area. He also noted that the officers have been active in patrolling parking lots and checking vehicles and have noted a reduction in losses and damages. He suggested that people always park in well-lighted areas, close to the business, and that everything be placed in the car’s trunk. He noted there has been an increase in counterfeit money being circulated and advised all to take a good look at bills handed them. He stated shop lifting would not be tolerated. If you have a concern you may email him at
The President then introduced Col. Hornyak, Vice Commander at KAFB. Col. Hornyak presented a video on the many things accomplished at KAFB. He noted there are 21,248 people working on base every day. The number one mission is nuclear, as in many ways all things nuclear lead to weapons. In looking at the operations training at the base he noted flying planes and helicopters with combat reserve officers being in a two-year training program. On mission training he noted it goes from the ground to the air. Economic impact on Albuquerque is 4.3 billion dollars a year which is from job creation, payrolls, and local purchases. He said $310.5 million goes to small businesses. He spoke of the fuel spill and noted they are trying to find out how deep the spill goes, and how far it extends. Hopefully some answers by summer of 2012. He noted it is still a long way from city water wells. In his closing remarks the colonel noted that there is a huge need to get young people interested in the things performed by base personnel and over $3 million is invested in this area to achieve this goal.
Mr. Mickelson then introduced Matt Rivera, Bernalillo County election director. Mr. Rivera noted that there are presently 441 precincts in the county, which will be consolidated into approximately l87 through a new program. He stated that presently less than twenty percent vote on election day; the latest election had 27%, with 44% voting via early voting. Under the new concept voters may vote at any voting location. This will reduce the number of poll workers needed; the number of ballots which must be printed; and the number of p0olling places required. He stated election costs in 2008 were $3.3 million; the current model indicates costs will be $2.4 million. With consolidation, projected costs would be $$1.4 million, and voting locations would be reduced from 187 to 69.
New Mexico State Senator Tim Keller and Representative Jim White spoke briefly on redistricting and noted the Legislature was unable to come to any redistricting resolution during the recent special session. It was noted that Rio Rancho population had increase by 5%, and would gain a new representative. Representative White stated that the passed capital outlay bill allowed for an $8 million supplement to the food stamp program for another year. It was also noted that the legislature voted to impeach Public Relation Commissioner, Jerome Block.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24.

Respectfully submitted,
Geneiva Meeker

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations 2012 Meeting Schedule

The East Gateway Coalition of Associations is scheduled to meet at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center (Room #3) 6:30-8:30 pm on:
January 19
April 19
July 19
October 18

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations Revised Draft Agenda 10/20/2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for October 20, 2011
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor
Commander Saylor has another meeting at 7:00; so please be seated by 6:30

6:55 Kirtland AFB—Community Partner Col David Hornyak, Commander
Economic core of our metropolitan area

7:30 Bernalillo County Voting Centers Maggie Toulouse Oliver (Invited)
Major changes for 2012 elections

8:15 Legislature—Special Session Senator Tim Keller
Representative Jim White

8:45 Adjourn Roger Mickelson

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 6:36 by President Roger Mickelson. The president then acknowledged Matt Zidowski, who represents Representative Martin Heinrich; Sally Mayer of the Mayor’s office; Lenton Malry, Bernalillo Co. representative; Wendy O’Brien, representing Maggie Hart Stebbins, Bernalillo Co. Commission Chairperson. During introductions Ms. Mayer spoke to the audience about Governor Susanna Martinez’ campaign: “Catch Billy the Kid”. Lenton Malry noted to the audience that August 3rd would be the annual “Neighborhood Night Out” in which neighbors get to know their neighbors to help in the prevention of crime.
The president then introduced Foothills Area Commander Cliff Saylor. Commander Saylor noted the latest crime surge in the area has been in auto burglaries. He cited twenty-one auto burglaries, eleven stolen vehicles, one commercial burglary, and two individual residential burglaries during June. He stated there has been a fifty percent recovery of items taken in the “pillow case” burglaries. Commander Saylor also noted that APD is working closely with the developer’s agent of the former “Furr’s” store property, located on Juan Tabo and Central, to reduce crime, vandalism, and loitering on the property.
City Clerk, Amy Bailey, was then introduced. Ms. Bailey informed the audience of the city election coming up on October 4 when four members of the City Council will be elected, twelve bond issues will be presented, and the red light camera program will be voted upon (this is a preliminary vote on the camera program, since only the City Council can “determine” whether or not the program is continued). There will be early voting at selected sites, and regular voting for our area at Manzano Mesa Multi-generational Center and at the Four Hills Country Club. Ms. Bailey noted that all absentee voting lists have been purged, and it would be necessary to call either 311, or the City Clerk’s office to request an absentee ballot for the election; they will no longer be sent automatically to those who have voted absentee in the past. These ballots will go out to those requesting them on August 30.
Jason Marks, District 1 representative on the Public Regulation Commission, was introduced. Mr. Marks noted the industries regulated by the commission, and noted that the most urgent concern is the Public Service Company’s proposal for rate hikes. PNM had asked for a 22% increase, but is now considering an 11% increase. The increase would be in two phases: 6% in August and in January the increase would go 10.85% (or another 4.85%). Then in 2013 PNM is asking for another $20 million, which Mr. Marks feels should not be allowed. He believes PNM is entitled to SOME rate increase due to improvement s they have put into effect, and the capital expenditures they have made, but $20 million is not justified.
Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson was then introduced by the president. Mr. Johnson stated that he is very actively working on committees to formulate the redistricting of Bernalillo County due to the increase and change in population cited in the 2010 census. He pointed out that most of the increase has been on the west side, and that some areas lost residents. The County redistricting work will define the boundaries of precincts so important to all elections. The work must be completed by September or October before the next November election.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06.

Respectfully Submitted by
Geneiva Meeker

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

EGWC Meeting Minutes 4/21/2011

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by the President, Roger Mickelson. He noted that we would deviate from the times on the posted agenda, since Mayor RJ Berry had another meeting scheduled after the Coalition meeting.
The Mayor introduced a new concept program which is being offered to the citizens of Albuquerque for comment. In fact, the mayor noted that the citizens of the City are going to set the priority list for what is to be included in “Albuquerque—The Plan”. The items thrown out for discussion included bike trails which form a 50-mile loop around the city for cyclists, joggers and hikers; a sports field at Balloon Fiesta Park; businesses at the state fairgrounds; a facelift for the convention center; overlooks and boardwalks along the Rio Grande; bus rapid transit on Central Avenue from Tramway to 98th Street; and revitalization of the Civic Plaza. No individual project would have a price tag over $55 million, and would be financed without raising taxes. This to be accomplished by returning money to the capital improvements program which was re-allocated for operating expenditures. The mayor also noted that funds would be sought from private sector investors. He said that after further input to the program has been obtained some of the ideas would require collaboration among the various other government entities, among public and private officials and among current and future mayoral administrations. The mayor then left for his meeting.
President Mickelson noted dignitaries in the audience: Lenton Malry of the County Managers’ office; Isaac Padilla, assistant to Councillor Don Harris; (I have down “Kolosh and Nelson”- who are they?)
Commander Cliff Saylor, of the Foothills Area Command was introduced. Commander Saylor noted that recently there had been ten cars burglarized in the Singing Arrow area, and there had been several burglaries in the Four Hills area. He noted that two houses in Four Hills are under surveillance as being involved in the incidents. He noted a recent “Amber Alert” which had a good outcome when a tip was received that the child could be located in a nearby casino. Commander Saylor also noted that they had recently been able to relocate twenty-five homeless people to shelters. He stated surveillance of pan-handlers has been stepped up with ten bicycle officers patrolling the frequented areas.
Roger Mickelson then introduced Misty Salaz who represented UNM Hospital. Ms. Salaz stated that the hospital has approximately 6,000 employees and payroll is approximately $640 million. UNM Hospital is one of 40 National Cancer Institutes designated as cancer treatment centers in the country. The children’s hospital has the only pediatric ER in the state. The mill levy, which has been in place since 1954, is presently at 6.4 mills.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Geneiva Meeker

Monday, July 11, 2011

EGWC Draft Agenda for July 21, 2011 Meeting (2nd Revision)

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for July 21, 2011
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor

6:55 Upcoming City Election—October 4 Amy Bailey, City Clerk

7:15 Public Regulatory Commission Update Jason Marks, Commissioner

7:45 Redistricting: City and County Wayne Johnson, Commissioner

8:35 Adjourn Roger Mickelson

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

EGWC Association Meeting Minutes Draft 4/21/2011


The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by the President, Roger Mickelson. The President noted that we would deviate from the posted agenda as Mayor, R.J. Berry, had another meeting.
The Mayor introduced a new concept program which is being offered to the citizens of Albuquerque. In fact, the mayor noted that the citizens of the City are going to set the priority list for what is to be included in “Albuquerque –The Plan”. The items thrown out for discussion included bike trails which would form a 50-mile loop around the city for cyclists, joggers and hikers; a sports field at Balloon Fiesta Park; businesses at the state fairgrounds; a facelift for the convention center; overlooks and boardwalks along the Rio Grande; bus rapid transit on Central Avenue from Tramway to 98th Street; revitalization of the Civic Plaza. No individual project would have a price tag over $55 million, and would be financed without raising taxes. Funding would be accomplished by returning money to the capital improvements program which was re-allocated for operating expenditures. The mayor also noted that funds would be sought from private sector investors. He said that after further input to the program has been obtained, some of the ideas would require collaboration among the various other government entities, among public and private officials and among current and future mayoral administrations. The mayor then left for his meeting.
President Mickelson noted dignitaries in the audience: Lenton Malry of the County Managers’ office; and Isaac Padilla, assistant to Councilor Don Harris.
Commander Cliff Saylor, of the Foothills Area Command was introduced. Commander Saylor noted that recently there had been ten cars burglarized in the Singing Arrow area, and there had been several burglaries in the Four Hills area. He noted that two houses in Four Hills are under surveillance as being involved in the incidents. He noted a recent “Amber Alert” which had a good outcome when a tip was received that the child could be located in a nearby casino. Commander Saylor also noted that they had recently been able to relocate twenty-five homeless people to shelters. He stated surveillance of pan-handlers has been stepped up with ten bicycle officers patrolling the frequented areas.
Roger Mickelson then introduced Misty Salaz who represented UNM Hospital. Ms. Salaz stated the hospital has approximately 6,000 employees and payroll is approximately $640 million. UNM Hospital is one of 40 National Cancer Institutes designated as cancer treatment centers in the country. The children’s hospital has the only pediatric ER in the state. The mill levy, which has been in place since 1954, is presently at 6.4 mills.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Geneiva Meeker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

EGWC of Associations Meeting Agenda for 4/4/21/2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations Agenda for April 21, 2011 Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center (South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor

6:55 Albuquerque’s Future Mayor RJ Berry

8:00 UNM Hospital Update Misty Salaz

8:15 Adjourn Roger Mickelson

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

EGWC Meeting Minutes 1/20/2011


The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by President Michelson, who then welcomed guests: County Commissioner, Wayne Johnson; Sally Mayer, City of Albuquerque; Lenton Malry, Bernalillo County; APD Officer, Todd Hardman; Steve Smith, representing Crime Stoppers; Sherry Mangold, representing Animal Protection of new Mexico; and Erika Wilson, 911 Supervisor.
Officer Todd Hardman, reporting for Commander Saylor, stated that during the period of December 1 through January 1 auto burglaries had been one of their largest problems. He said people go out, start their car, go back in the house and leave the car running, and the burglar comes along and drives off with the car. He said many have also been taken from mall parking lots and “big box store” parking lots. He suggested that drivers use “the Club” or any other device to help secure their vehicles. Commander Cliff Saylor, who arrived at the meeting, noted that the most popular vehicles to be stolen were the Toyota Camry and Corolla. He stated that many residential burglaries were being accomplished by kicking in side doors, breaking glass in or beside doors, or just kicking in doors. He noted that doors should be solid and have dead bolt locks. He also stated that people are being robbed as they are unloading packages and not paying attention to their surroundings. He cautioned that we all note what is going on around us at all times.
Commissioner Wayne Johnson stated he has been attending many neighborhood meetings and listening to the concerns of his constituents and trying to answer questions home owners may have about County activities. Should you want to contact him, his phone numbers are: Bernalillo County, 238-9352; cell phone, 379-7540; or email, He commented on the change to the noise ordinance which the commission is considering.
Steve Smith was introduced. Representing “Crime Stoppers”, he noted that the organization was first created in Albuquerque in 1976 by police detective, Greg Macalise. It is a partnership of community, media, and law enforcement, which is now nationwide, and in 18 countries. The program is in need of funds. Mayor R.J. Berry has designated March 20-26 as CRIME STOPPERS’ WEEK. KRQE television has volunteered to be the base for gathering funds. A new television program will begin – “Albuquerque’s Most Wanted”, which will air right after “America’s Most Wanted”.
Sherry Mangold, representing Animal Protection of New Mexico was introduced. She stated the organization is a non-profit animal advocacy group. She noted that 63% of Americans have a pet, and 99% think of the pet as a household member. She noted that a child in the United States is more likely to have a pet than a father. She also said that 88% of people referred to social services for crimes of abuse have been animal abusers. She also noted that one of the most dangerous things is for a child to abuse an animal and get away with it. The President then introduced Erika Wilson, Supervisor for 911 calls. Ms. Wilson stated that 90% of calls to 911 are answered within ten seconds. Seventy percent are from cellular phones. There are 140 employees answering calls 24/7. Thirty to forty percent of calls result in a dispatch. Land lines give the operators coordinates; cell phones not as accurate. She stated New Mexico does not have the infrastructure in place for texting.
The President thanked those making presentations.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

EGWC Meeting Agenda 1/20/2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for January 20, 2011
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 Election of President and Secretary*

6:40 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor

6:45 Crime Stoppers Steve Smith

7:30 Animal Protection Sherry Mangold

8:15 Call 911—Emergency Communications Erika Wilson

8:50 Adjourn Roger Mickelson