Tuesday, September 27, 2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations Revised Draft Agenda 10/20/2011

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for October 20, 2011
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson

6:35 APD Foothills Area Command Commander Cliff Saylor
Commander Saylor has another meeting at 7:00; so please be seated by 6:30

6:55 Kirtland AFB—Community Partner Col David Hornyak, Commander
Economic core of our metropolitan area

7:30 Bernalillo County Voting Centers Maggie Toulouse Oliver (Invited)
Major changes for 2012 elections

8:15 Legislature—Special Session Senator Tim Keller
Representative Jim White

8:45 Adjourn Roger Mickelson