Friday, December 28, 2012
EGWC Meeting Agenda for 1/17/2013
3:30 PM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
East Gateway Coalition Meeeting Schedule for 2013
President, East Gateway Coalition of Associations
9:04 AM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
EGWC Meeeting Minutes of 7/19/2012
8:28 AM
Labels: EGWC Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 27, 2012
EGWC Meeting Agenda for 10/18/2012
4:33 PM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Monday, July 16, 2012
Updated EGWC Draft Meeting Agenda for July 19,2012
East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for July 19, 2012
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
11:40 AM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Each appointed judge must subsequently stand for election after being appointed and serving on the bench – th?? decide.
7:23 PM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Saturday, May 12, 2012
New Mexico Judicial Branch of Government
8:58 AM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
EGWC Draft Meeting Agenda for 7/19/2012
7:18 AM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
EGWC Draft Meeting Agenda for 4/19/2012
East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for April 19, 2012
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30 Call to Order Roger Mickelson
6:35 APD Foothills Area
Command Update Commander Cliff Saylor
7:10 UNM Hospital Update Misty Salaz
7:40 Judicial Appointments,
Elections, Retention Judge Brett Loveless
Invisible Branch of Government
1:44 PM
Labels: Council and Committee Meetings
Saturday, March 3, 2012
JANUARY 19, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by president Roger Mickelson. The president then acknowledged Jill Garcia, APD Crime Prevention Specialist; Jill Holbert, CABQ Acting Director, Solid Waste Department; and Melissa Lozoya and Chuck Thompson, CABQ Municipal Development. (Sally Mayer, Mayor’s Office, and Cliff Saylor, Foothills Area Commander APD, arrived later.
Jill Garcia stated that auto thefts are on the rise; some being performed by organized gangs and others by opportunists. She warned again not to leave belongings in the car where they can be seen. She told the audience of the latest mode of operation whereby groups of three or four people go to house. The girl knocks on the door, while the others hide. When the door is opened she begins crying, saying that she has been raped (or had some other misfortune), and needs to call 911. If the homeowner allows her to come into the house, the others come out of hiding and attack the victim and ravage the house. The current “hot spots” for the force are focusing on residential and auto burglaries and crime prevention. For “education and prevention”, the department is employing undercover teams, swat teams, GPS, and laptops. Ms. Garcia noted APD will do personal inspections of a home or property; call her at the Foothills Substation at 332-5240. You should also let them know if you are going to be out of town to allow APD to conduct random drive-by checks of your property. Just call 242-COPS for the service.
Jill Holbert spoke of the MRF (Material Recovery Facility), a recycling process, which will be placed into operation in the city between 2012 and 2015. As all areas cannot be brought into the process at the same time, this will be instituted over the above time frame. The new service will incorporate a new container into which paper, plastics and metals may be placed for pickup (at a still to be determined cost) on regular garbage day pickups. The new recycle service will not take glass, egg cartons, milk cartons and other to be defined containers. The resulting product from the recycled materials will be utilized in several different ways; many still to be determined.
Melissa Lozoya and Chuck Thompson from the Municipal Development department presented plans for the renovation of Central Avenue from Eubank to Tramway. The planned project includes median construction, installing handicap ramps, traffic signal modifications, and permanent signage/striping. Plans are to advertise in February, and, hopefully, begin construction this summer. It is anticipated the construction will take approximately five months. It was noted that the city and AMAFCA will be replacing the dip crossing of the Four Hills Arroyo on Wagontrain Drive in Four Hills with a bridge. It was stated that the “box” at the end of that arroyo will be redesigned and replaced at a later date. Mr. Thompson may be contacted at 768-2577.
president (currently filled by Rose Sena) is open for election as well as the office of treasurer since Zach Hahn has moved away from Albuquerque. Rose Sena has volunteered to assume the office of vice president, and Geneiva Meeker has volunteered to take the office of treasurer. The president called for additional nominations; being none, he said it will be put to vote via e-mail.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
6:03 PM
Labels: EGWC Meeting Minutes