Saturday, May 12, 2012

EGWC Draft Meeting Agenda for 7/19/2012

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for July 19, 2012
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)


6:30  Call to Order                                                               Roger Mickelson
6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update                            

7:00  New General Election Procedures                          Maggie Toulouse-Oliver
                                                                                                Vic Facio
          Early Voting, Voting Convenience Centers, Election Day

7:45  Scams, ID Theft, White Collar Crime                    Det. Michael Sandoval

8:30  Adjourn                                                                        Roger Mickelson

 Next Scheduled Meeting: October 18, 2012