Friday, December 27, 2013

EGWC January Meeting

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for January 16, 2014
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson
6:35  Nominations for Vice President and Treasurer*
                   Rose Sena nominated for Vice President
                   Geneiva Meeker nominated for Treasurer
6:40  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   SGT Zach Wesley
                                                          Representing Commander Tim Gonterman
7:00  Gateway 66—Low Income Development     TBD           
                   at 13001 Central Avenue NE                             
8:00  Metropolitan Transportation Planning         Julie Luna
          The Future of Travel in the Area                            Mid-Region Council of Gov’ts
8:45  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson