Friday, December 27, 2013

EGWC January Meeting

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for January 16, 2014
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson
6:35  Nominations for Vice President and Treasurer*
                   Rose Sena nominated for Vice President
                   Geneiva Meeker nominated for Treasurer
6:40  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   SGT Zach Wesley
                                                          Representing Commander Tim Gonterman
7:00  Gateway 66—Low Income Development     TBD           
                   at 13001 Central Avenue NE                             
8:00  Metropolitan Transportation Planning         Julie Luna
          The Future of Travel in the Area                            Mid-Region Council of Gov’ts
8:45  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

EGWC 2014 Meeting Schedule

2014 East Gateway Coalition Meetings Scheduled

We'll meet at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center (Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE) at 6:30 pm on:


January 16

Nomination/election of Vice President and Treasurer; (who would like to serve?)

Tentative preview of the 2014 NM Legislative session  scheduled for January 20, 2014.


April 17


July 17


October 16


Each meeting will include APD to review crime prevention and problems in the Foothills Area Command.
(What else would y'all like to discuss or to hear about? Speakers? Topics? Please let me know).

Our Bylaws prevent political/partisan campaigning, so we need to stick to civic matters of interest to residents in the SE corner of Albuquerque and to the East into Bernalillo County.

Regards, Roger Mickelson
President, East Gateway Coalition of Associations

Thursday, October 31, 2013

EGWC Meeting Minutes for October 17, 2013

OCTOBER 17, 2013
President Roger Mickelson called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
Commander Kevin Rowe from the APD Foothills Area Command was introduced.  The commander told the audience that the foothills area has a minimum number of crimes as compared to other areas of the city.  He stated that he and his officers strive to make the area a desirable place to live, and repeated their mantra:  “One for all, and all for one” which continues to stabilize the area.  He stressed that anyone who has a problem with panhandlers, molesters, or anything else, call 235-8990 and report the situation.  He thanked the attendees for the huge turn-out on September 27 which honored officers at the foothills station.
The president then introduced Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson; LT Eric Schum, representing New Mexico State Police; LT Broderick Sharp, representing Bernalillo County Sheriff; Antonio Garcia, representing NM Department of Transportation; and, again, Commander Kevin Rowe, representing APD, who were attending to inform the public about their plans to help prevent future bottlenecks in the area due to any closure of Interstate 40.
Commissioner Johnson related that there had been many hours of discussion of the problems caused by a shutdown of the freeway, and to find solutions to the problems of people not being able to get to their homes in the East Mountains and the foothills areas when it was deemed necessary to implement a shutdown.  An information sheet with phone numbers of who to call and what to do in such an emergency is being formulated and will soon be available to the public.   The intent is not to close down the freeway at Tramway, but to close it at the Moriarty or Santa Rosa exits.  18-wheelers will be directed to the fairgrounds, UNM, and the balloon fiesta parking areas to get them off the city streets.  Electronic signs will have information as to phone numbers, routes, etc.
President Mickelson thanked the committee members for their diligent work and the progress being made to implement prevention of future problems in the immediate area.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

EGWC Revised Meeting Agenda for October 17, 2013

East Gateway Coalition of Associations

Agenda for October 17, 2013      6:30-8:30 pm
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson

6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   Commander Kevin



6:45  Update—I-40 Closure Planning                     Panel Discussion

                   New Mexico State Police                       Eric Schum

                   Bernalillo County Sheriff                       Jessica Tyler

                   NM Dept of Transportation                             Antonio Jaramillo

                   Albuquerque Police Dept                       Kevin Rowe

          Questions and Answers

Summary of Progress and Next Steps                  Commissioner Wayne Johnson

8:00  Police Oversight Commission                        Ed Perea

8:25  Announcement of Annual Meeting and Election

8:30  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson



Monday, May 13, 2013

EGWC Meeting Agenda for 7/18/2013

East Gateway Coalition of Associations

Agenda for July 18, 2013

6:30-8:30 pm

Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center

(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)




6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson


6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   Commander Kevin Rowe


6:45  City Clerk—ELECTION 2013                           Amy Bailey


7:00  East Gateway Sector Development Plan     Russell Brito

                   and Metropolitan Redevelopment       Rebecca Velarde


7:30  Bernalillo County Assessor                                      Evelyn Barela

                   Reassessments                    Deputy to Tanya Giddings


8:00  Albuquerque Environmental Update             Mary Lou Leonard


8:30  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson



Next meeting scheduled for October 17, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

2 nd Revised EGWC April Meeting-April 17, 2013

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for April 17, 2013
6:30-8:10 pm
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson
6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   Lieutenant Louie Sanchez
6:50  Albuquerque Senior Affairs Programs                   Jorja Armijo-Brasher
7:50  UNM Hospital Update                                                Lyn Kehoe/Jim Pendergast
8:10  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson




Wednesday, March 20, 2013

EGWC Meeting Agenda April 18,2013

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for April 18, 2013
6:30-8:10 pm
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson
6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update              Commander Kevin
6:50  Albuquerque Senior Affairs Programs               Jorja Armijo-Brasher
7:50  UNM Hospital Update                                          Misty Salazar
8:10  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson

Thursday, February 7, 2013

EGWC Meeting Minutes from 1/17/2013



JANUARY 17, 2013

The  meeting was called to order at 6:45 by President Roger Mickelson, who then introduced guests  Commander Kevin Rowe, APD Foothills Area; Doug Lutz from the Mayor’s office; Darrell Dady, Bernalillo County Neighborhood Coordination Specialist; and David Walker.  David Robbins, APS School Board Member, arrived a bit later.

Commander Rowe noted the Foothills Area is doing well as far as crime prevention is concerned.  He noted that officer shifts have been somewhat altered, with some overlap to increase response, which he feels is helping in deterring crime somewhat.  He stated the officers have adopted the slogan:  “One for All and All for One”.  He again noted that it is important for residents to call APD when they are concerned about or feel they see anything amiss in their neighborhoods.  The more calls the police receive the more officers can be stationed in the area.  He noted a recent crime “cleanup” in the Singing Arrow area.  The department is starting a youth program in the area, and he cited that he has an “open door” policy and welcomed anyone to visit him. 

The President noted that there was not a quorum present and that the election for President and Secretary would be handled via e-mail. 

Dave Robbins, APS school board member representing District 6 was then introduced.  Mr. Robbins noted that APS has a 368 million dollar bond issue to be voted on at the upcoming election.  He said the average age of APS schools is forty years old, with many being over 50 years old.  Consequently many need refurbishing or rebuilding.  He noted there is a need for certified police protection.  He commented on the low graduation level of the schools in the area, and also noted that 60-65% of the children live in poverty and do not have access to what school children in other states do.  There are many unexcused absences. The area has 58 licensed charter schools.  He said he could be contacted at

President Mickelson then introduced Dave Walker.  Mr. Walker noted that he is with a coalition which “is not pleased with the way APS is not educating our children”.  He stated the system does not want input from others and that school board elections are supposed to be non-partisan.  He said the state spends most of its funds on education in some form or other, and noted the legislature has still not confirmed the person appointed as Secretary of Education.  He asserted that the School Superintendent is out of touch with the community.  He reiterated that graduation rates are at the bottom of all other states.  He also stated the board needs fresh ideas, community involvement, and better money management. 

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

OCTOBER 18, 2012 EGWC Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 18, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:45 by President Roger Mickelson, who then introduced NM Representative Jim White; Dave Lutz, Mayor’s Office; Commander Kevin Rowe, APD; Kathy Richardson, NM DOT; Sabrina Garcia, City of ABQ Dept of Municipal Development; Hooshang Tavanaiepour, NMDOT; NM Senator Tim Keller arrived later.
Commander Rowe, speaking first (as he had another appointment), stated that burglaries were down 50% from May through October of 2011 and all other crimes are down 60% for the same time frame.  He noted that we are approaching the “holiday crime season” when crimes accelerate.  He stated 75% happen due to carelessness, and warned all to be alert to keeping windows, doors, and garage doors closed at all times.  The usual cautions should be taken with purchased products. 
The president then introduced Mr. Lutz who gave a short talk on areas in which the mayor’s office is presently involved.
The group representing the construction of the Paseo-I-25 flyover was led by Sabrina Garcia who stated that the NMDOT, Federal Highway Association, City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, MRCOG are all involved with the project.  She stated that Wilson and Company had been selected as the engineering firm to design the project.  Kathy Richardson and Hooshang Tavanaiepour from the NM Department of Transportation, followed with a presentation of slides showing how and where the flyover would be constructed, stating that safety would be a big issue as there are fifty-six million trips over the present route per year, and the new project will save 54,800 hours per year for the people using the route.  Costs break down as follows:  $50 million for the City; $29,750 for the state; $5 million for the County; $8,250 million for the federal government.  Time line of the project:  it could begin by the end of summer 2013; would take 18 to 24 months to complete.  For comments you may call 245-3150, or submit questions to “”.
District 20 Representative, Jim White, was then introduced by the president.  Rep. White noted that even though the Legislature is not in session, he has been heavily involved with the preparation of the 2013 budget.  He noted there is very little surplus this year.  Legislators are still pondering legislation relative New Mexico students moving into higher education with no more than a 3rd grade level of reading ability.  He also noted that “Obamacare” is going to create areas to be dealt with in Medicaid reserves. Reserves must be increased, and trying to estimate the amount is onerous. 
New Mexico Senator Tim Keller was introduced.  Senator Keller reminded the audience that our state is still the 50th in many areas (such as schools, and hospitals).  He noted that he, also is working in the financial area of the legislature.  He is working for better jobs in New Mexico, revision of the scholarship lottery as more students are applying; costs are increasing and there is a need for changes to be made for the requirements which allow students to receive the funds.
The president then brought the audience up to date on the proposed Ordinance to amend the Sector Development Plan to inflict “view corridor” restrictions on both sides of Central from Dorado to Tramway.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

JULY 19, 2012 EGWC Meeting Minuts

JULY 19, 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:40 by President Roger Mickelson, who then introduced guests:  APD Foothills Area Command Commander Kevin Rowe, Detective Michael Sandoval, Crime Specialist Jill Garcia, and Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk. 
Commander Rowe noted that crime in the area was up a little over 1%.  He reminded the audience that crime has to do with opportunity, and also that if it is not reported, nothing can be done to combat it.  The more reports APD receives, the more an area will be patrolled. 
Crime Specialist Jill Garcia noted that presently the worst problem areas in the district are in the area of Eubank and Juan Tabo and Montgomery, where burglaries and car break-ins are problematic.  However, the most troublesome areas are south of Central from Juan Tabo to Tramway.
Bernalillo County Clerk, Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, speaking next, noted to the audience that in the upcoming election in November voters may cast their ballots at any voting location.  If a voter is registered, it will not be necessary to vote at the voters’ particular precinct.  She noted that Provisional voting will require two identifications; such as driver’s license, bank statement, birth certificate, passport, etc.
Detectives Greg Crawford and Michael Sandoval presented a visual guide on protecting oneself from scams, including i.d. theft and forgery, which are the largest crimes currently being perpetrated.
If you have a need the following was noted on the slides:
        CONTACT:  Equifax: 800-525-6285;
Experian: 888-397-3742;
Trans Union: 800-680-7289
(Each are obligated to supply one free report each year to      anyone requesting a report.                             
        WHAT TO DO:  Make a police report. Close all bank accounts.
Cancel all credit cards. Contact Attorney General and                 complete an I.D. theft report.
Some of the scams which are currently active are:  Lottery or prize winnings, an injured or without funds family member.  Many potential scams are relative to home insurance coverage on things such as coverage for breaks in water lines (and many others). 
If you have calls on any of these things, ask yourself:  “Did I enter a lottery?” “Do I know of a relative’s being out of the country?”  Call them and find out. 
Locally you may call the White Collar Crime unit at 505-768-2300.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45.