Monday, December 15, 2014

East Gateway Coalition of Associations Agenda for 01/15/2015

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for January 15, 2015
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)
6:30  Call to Order                                                     Roger Mickelson
6:35  Nominations for President and Secretary*
                   Roger Hartman has been nominated for President
                   Geneiva Meeker has been nominated for Secretary
6:40  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   Commander John Thies
7:00  Proposed Four Hills Road Landscape Project      Jim Hamel
8:45  Adjourn                                                               Roger Mickelson

Thursday, October 2, 2014

East Gateway Coalition of Associations for 10/16/2014

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for Thursday, October 16, 2014
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(SW Corner of Southern Blvd and Elizabeth SE Between Eubank Blvd and Juan Tabo Blvd)
6:30             Call to Order                            Roger Mickelson
6:31             APD Update                              Commander John Thies
6:40             New Mexico Judiciary               Judge Henry Alaniz
The Invisible Branch of Government
This is a discussion by sitting judges seeking to inform the public about our judicial branch of government.
Questions and Answers
8:45              Adjourn                                    Roger Mickelson

Friday, July 4, 2014

EGWC Meeting Agenda July 17, 2014

East Gateway Coalition of Associations

Agenda for July 17, 2014

Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center

(SW Corner of Southern Blvd and Elizabeth SE Between Eubank Blvd and Juan Tabo Blvd)


6:00             Check In; Cookies and Iced Tea; Meet and Greet


6:30             Call to Order                      Roger Mickelson               


6:31             APD Update                       Commander John Thies


6:40             Announcement from US Rep Lujan-Grisham’s Office


6:45             Inter-Coalition Discussion of Concerns in Albuquerque


Introduce Coalition Representatives

Invited: Coalition Representatives from the South Valley, South West Area, West Side, North Valley, District 4, District 6, District 7, and District 8.

Review and Discuss Draft List of Citywide Concerns

Education, Economic Development, Transparency in Government, Albuquerque Police Department, Land Use Policies and Plans, Affordable Housing Policy and Procedures, Code Enforcement, Water, Kirtland AFB Bulk Fuel Facility Spill, Open Space, Unused City Property, Office of Neighborhood Coordination, Transportation, Infrastructure

Seek Coordinators and Team Members for Each Concern

Discuss Goals

Define Next Steps

Review Actions to be Taken


8:45             Adjourn                                    Roger Mickelson

Thursday, April 3, 2014

EGWC January 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes

JANUARY 16, 2014
President Roger Mickelson called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M.
Rose Sena was nominated for the office Vice President, and Geneiva Meeker was nominated for the office of Treasurer.  The President called for any other nominations; there being none, he declared nominations closed.  Warren Rowe moved and Michael Brasher seconded that the candidates be elected.  Those attending voted for the nominees; however, as there was not a quorum present votes will be sought via e-mail, and results will be announced at the April meeting.
Sgt. Zach Wesley informed those attending that they have a person causing considerable problems in the area and are asking all to be on the lookout for this offender.  The description of the person is Male, approximately 180 pounds, brown eyes and hair, approximately 5’ 9”.  He warned residents not to try to apprehend, but to call 242-COPS and give the location of sighting.  He also noted a new tool for looking at problems in any given area of the city. Type – type in an address, and it will give information as to crime in the area.  Sgt. Wesley noted there are presently 60 uniformed officers stationed at the Foothills station.
The newly proposed project at 13001 East Central will consist of 76 units for social needs, multi-family, low income occupants.  It would serve persons having 30-50% of the annual median income.  Residents may come from those formerly living in crisis housing, emergency shelters, substance abuse treatment centers, or on the street (homeless).  They will probably have onsite property managers; Roadrunner food bank provisions; and support services.  Provision for funding passed City Council on January 6, 2014, with the allocation of $1.8 million being provided to New Life Homes.  The total expected cost of the project will be approximately $12,868,672 (with over $7 million coming from a state grant).  The project is stated to provide affordable housing and travel to job opportunities that are easily accessible to public transportation.
The majority of attendees voiced objections to the project and desired much more information on the project. A committee was appointed to collect information and to evaluate the implications of the proposed development:
·        Joe Zmuda, Chair,, 505-299-5528
·        Michael Brasher, Vice Chair
·        Karen Little
·        Teresa Loschke
·        Denise Pisto
·        Rose Sena
·        Kevin Smith
Julie Luna presented the 2040 Transportation Planning agenda for the metropolitan area, which includes Sandoval, Bernalillo, and Valencia counties, as well as the cities of Albuquerque, and Rio Rancho.  The plan always looks twenty years into the future and is updated every four years.  Projected population growth is projected as well as where the population will reside, and planned transportation is considered.  As the area is pretty well built-out to the east, most new development will occur on the west and south.  It is projected that Sandoval county will double in size.  Much consideration will be given to public transportation and how to do it better and smarter.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Geneiva Meeker, Secretary
To update: Rose Sena was elected Vice President, and Geneiva Meeker was elected Treasurer.    Congratulations to both of these dedicated members, and thanks for serving.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

EGWC Draft Meeting Agenda for April 17, 2014

East Gateway Coalition of Associations
Agenda for April 17, 2014
Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center
(South-West Corner of Elizabeth and Southern Blvd SE)

6:30  Call to Order                                                    


6:35  APD Foothills Area Command Update                   Commander Tim Gonterman


6:45  ID Theft, Scams, and White Collar Crime   Jennifer Weber APD

          Special Advice from a Pro                     Paul Feist (Retired APD Dep Chief)


7:30  Gateway 66—Low Income Apartments        NewLife Homes                  

                   at 13001 Central Avenue NE                     UPDATE       

8:45  Adjourn