Thursday, December 20, 2007


Bylaws of the East Gateway
Coalition of Neighborhood Associations

Article I — Name, Boundaries, and Purposes

1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the East Gateway Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (hereinafter “Coalition”).

2. BOUNDARIES: The boundaries of the Coalition shall be the boundaries of the City of Albuquerque Council District 9 and adjoining areas of Bernalillo County to the east of District 9.

3. PURPOSES: The purposes of the Coalition shall be:

(a) To facilitate communications and the flow of information among member associations and city, county, state, federal, and other government officials,

(b) To promote policies consistent with member association and public interest desires, uphold and promote responsible planning, protect the environment, and promote the community welfare, and

(c) To provide a united voice on issues common to all or a portion of the member associations.

While the Coalition may be involved in the discussion of issues that may be political in nature, the Coalition shall not participate or intervene in any partisan political campaign, including the publication or distribution of candidate materials, or endorse any candidate for public office. The Coalition may publish nonpartisan materials for the information and education of member neighborhood associations.

In the implementation of these purposes, the Coalition shall address matters within and beyond the boundaries of the Coalition that affect or could affect its member organizations or their individual members’ collective common interests (e.g., land use policies, tax proposals, water-use rules, acquisition of property, development proposals, city-wide legislative initiatives, governmental rules of procedure, City and County Legislative priorities, City and County Capital Improvement Programs).

Article II — Membership

1. MEMBERSHIP: There shall be two categories of membership in the Coalition, regular and associate.

(a) REGULAR MEMBER: Any neighborhood or homeowners association or other community organization that has at least one boundary within District 9 and has paid the required annual membership dues of $10 shall be a Regular Member of the Coalition and shall be entitled to one vote on Coalition matters.

(b) ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any neighborhood or homeowners association or other community organization adjacent to the boundaries of District 9; any neighborhood or homeowners association, Coalition, or other community organization in Bernalillo County in proximity to the boundaries of District 9; or any business within or in proximity to the boundaries of District 9 may be an Associate Member of the Coalition without a vote on Coalition matters.

2. REPRESENTATIVES: The Coalition shall be composed of one representative from each member association, in addition to the Officers of the Coalition.

(a) Representatives shall be elected or appointed by each member association for a term to be determined by each member association. Only Representatives of Regular Member associations may vote. There is no limit imposed by the Coalition on the number of terms that a Representative may serve.

(b) Each member association may also elect or appoint an Alternate Representative who shall have the same rights and privileges in the absence of the Representative. Designation of an Alternate Representative shall be provided to the President of the Coalition in writing (including e-mail) at least 48 hours prior to the first meeting at which the Alternate Representative would attend. The member association shall be responsible to provide the proposed agenda, past minutes, and other relevant materials normally provided to the Representative to the Alternate Representative in a timely manner.

Article III — Organization, Responsibilities, and Election

1. OFFICERS: The Officers of the Coalition shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting, and the immediate Past President as an ex officio voting Officer. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined. Officers shall serve for two years. The President and Secretary shall be elected in odd-numbered years, and the Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years, except for the first year in which Officers are elected, when all Officers shall be elected—two to a one year term and two to a two year term consistent with the phased election rule above. Officers shall be members of Regular or Associate member organizations. Each elected Officer and the immediate Past President shall have one vote on any action pending before the Coalition.

(a) TENURE: Officers shall not serve for more than three full consecutive terms. Incumbents shall serve in office until the installation of a duly elected successor, including serving beyond the three full and consecutive terms if no successor has been elected. Any Officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Officers and Representatives present for misconduct or malfeasance in office, provided that notice of the intent to remove such Officer shall be furnished to the subject officer in writing at least five days prior to the meeting at which such action is to be discussed. Any Officer may resign with or without stating a reason for resigning.

(b) VACANCIES: Vacancies in office shall be filled by a majority vote of the Officers and Representatives present at a meeting with election to fill a vacancy on the agenda, and the new Officer(s) shall perform in that office for the remainder of the existing term.

(c) RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES: Officers shall perform duties consistent with provisions of these Bylaws. Duties, responsibilities, and authorities may be further clarified in detail by Standing Rules approved by a majority of the Coalition.

(1) PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings, represent the Coalition, appoint Committee Chairs, approve agendas, and ensure compliance with these Bylaws and any approved Standing Rules. The President shall supervise or act independently on all of the business and affairs of the Coalition between meetings in accordance with policies established in the Standing Rules, seeking to determine a consensus before deciding a Coalition position on time-urgent issues, and shall be an Ex-Officio member of all Committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall make an annual report at the Annual Meeting and file such report with the Secretary.

(2) VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence and shall perform other such duties as the President may direct.

(3) SECRETARY: The Secretary shall send notices and keep official minutes of all meetings. Minutes shall consist of a listing of Officers and Members in attendance; a record of the name and subjects addressed by guests; motions made, name of the Officer or Regular Member making each motion, seconds made; and action taken on each motion; and attachment(s) of committee reports, if any are presented. Minutes shall not include debate comments or discussions. The Secretary shall present a written copy of the Minutes of the last meeting at each Coalition meeting and shall maintain the official records of the Coalition, including agendas, minutes, reports, and other materials relevant to Coalition activities. All official records shall be passed on to each succeeding Secretary.

(4) TREASURER: The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the Coalition, protect, deposit, and disburse Coalition funds as approved by the Officers and Regular Member Representatives, keep account of all receipts and expenditures, and present a written Treasurer’s Report for acceptance at each Coalition meeting and for approval at the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall arrange for an annual independent audit of the financial records of the Coalition immediately prior to the Annual Meeting and shall pass on the financial records, including audit reports, to each succeeding Treasurer.

(5) PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate Past President shall ensure continuity of all unfinished business of the Coalition, assist in the orderly transition of all Coalition business, provide historical perspective and experienced advice to the Coalition, and perform other tasks assigned by the President.

2. REPRESENTATIVES: Representatives of Regular Member associations shall participate in each Coalition meeting; shall have one vote each on any action pending before the Coalition; and shall propose agenda items and discuss and act on all matters that may come before the Coalition. Representatives of Associate Member associations may participate in Coalition meetings without vote.

3. COMMITTEES: Officers and Regular Member Representatives shall determine the committees necessary to fulfill the Coalition purposes by majority vote of the members present at a meeting. The President shall appoint Committee chairs and members.

4. NOMINATING COMMITTEE and ELECTIONS: At the regular meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Coalition Officers and Regular Member Representatives shall elect a Nominating Committee of five Officers or Regular Member Representatives of the Coalition to serve for a term of one year, except that the President may not serve on the Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint the Chair of the Nominating Committee from among the five elected Committee members. The Nominating Committee shall seek the best-qualified candidates to be nominated for election at the next Annual Meeting and shall provide a single slate of nominees to be considered by the Officers and Regular Member Representatives at the next Annual Meeting, at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. Election of each Officer shall be voted separately (in seriatim) by voice vote, except when additional nominations have been made from the floor, in which event the election of contested Offices shall be by ballot.

5. FINANCIAL EXCLUSION AND INDEMNIFICATION: No Officer or Representative shall receive directly or indirectly any compensation or pecuniary benefit from the Coalition, except that the Coalition may reimburse Officers and Regular Member Representatives for reasonable expenses on the approval of the Treasurer and the President.

Article IV — Meetings

1. ANNUAL MEETING: An Annual Meeting of the Coalition shall be held in the month of January for the purposes of electing officers, accepting the President’s and Treasurer’s Annual Reports, voting on any amendments to these Bylaws, which must be published at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Meeting, and conducting such other business as may appear on the approved agenda.

2. REGULAR MEETING: A meeting of the Coalition shall be held quarterly on a date and at a place to be determined by the President.

3. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings shall be conducted at the call of the President or at the call of five other Officers and/or Regular Member Representatives with at least a five-day notice.

4. QUORUM AND VOTING: The presence of at least one-half of the Officers as well as a majority of Regular Member Representatives shall constitute a quorum. All votes shall be decided by a majority of the Officers and Regular Member Representatives present at any Coalition meeting, provided that a quorum is present, except that motions that restrict or remove authorities or amend the Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds vote. Provisions for proxy, mail-in, telephonic, or e-mail voting to conduct the business of the Coalition between meetings shall be included in Standing Rules for the Coalition.

Article V — Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the conduct of all Coalition meetings in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these Bylaws.

Article VI — Dissolution

In the event of dissolution of the Coalition, the Officers and Regular Member Representatives shall, after payment of all liabilities of the Coalition, dispose of the remaining assets of the Association by donating the money to an organization with purposes similar to those listed in Article I, Section 3.

Article VII — Amendment

These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the Officers and Regular Member Representatives in attendance after it is determined that a quorum is present, provided that the Officers and Regular Member Representatives have been notified at least thirty days in advance of the Annual Meeting of the text of proposed amendments.
East Gateway Coalition Bylaws
Revised: January 25, 2007