November-December 2007
(Publication date: December 26, 2007)
Planning for Revitalization of East Central is proceeding.
East Gateway Sector Development Plan. The proposed plan boundaries are (approximately) Virginia Street on the west, Copper to I-40 on the north, the City limit on the east, and Kirtland AFB on the south. A contract scope of work has been developed, and the contract will be in place by the end of the year. Paula Donahue will discuss the process at the January 22, 2008, meeting of the East Gateway Coalition. There will be public involvement meetings, including focus groups for several aspects of plan development.
Metropolitan Redevelopment Area Plan. The Albuquerque Development Commission approved an initial map that designates the area shown below for planning. Note that two I-40 interchanges and two commercial areas (Juan Tabo north of I-40 and southeast corner of Eubank and Central) have been added. All residential areas have been removed from the area to be “blighted.” MRA planning will seek public inputs to identify a very few (2-4 likely) specific project areas for cooperative commercial-City planning and development. The northeast corner of Juan Tabo Blvd and Central Avenue has been cited in every meeting concerning MRA. Business owners and nearby residents should think about particular problem properties as potential projects. Gabriel Rivera will present information about the MRA planning process at the Coalition meeting on January 22.

Closures of I-40. State, County, and City officials have identified some options to avoid or to minimize the disruptive effects of I-40 closures (due to snow or accidents). Plans are in process to provide more timely information (e.g., message boards, radio announcements, hot lines for inquiries), install gates to close I-40 entrance ramps, place roadblocks, coordinate all governmental agencies, divert traffic to NM 333, detour trucks off I-40, lower speed limits during emergency periods, and manually control traffic lights. Technological solutions to speed recording of accident information and accelerated availability of tow trucks and cleanup crews are also in consideration. NM Department of Transportation representatives discussed ongoing planning at the October 25 Coalition meeting. State Representatives Kathy McCoy and RJ Berry, Commissioner Michael Brasher, and key representatives of law enforcement agencies are working with NM DOT on solutions in advance of this winter’s probable closures.
The Coalition web site is located at Please take a look and provide suggestions so that the site may become a more useful and attractive site. Leroy Tafoya, the webmaster, will report status at the January Coalition meeting.
Election of the Coalition Vice President and Treasurer is on the agenda for the January meeting. Officers are elected for two-year terms, with the VP and Treasurer elected at the even-numbered-year annual meeting, and the President and Secretary at the odd-numbered-year annual meeting.
City Council and Committee Meetings:
The meeting dates for the City Council; Finance and Government Operations committee; and Land Use, Planning, and Zoning committee are posted at Agendas are normally posted on the Friday afternoon prior to a Council meeting on the following Monday.
Next Coalition meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2008, at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center beginning at 6:30 pm.
Membership in the Coalition is open to any neighborhood or homeowners association or other community organization that has at least one boundary within Albuquerque Council District 9; dues are currently $10 per year, with a proposed change to Bylaws that dues would be biennial (every two years).
Roger Mickelson 332-9273