Tuesday, May 27, 2008

East Gateway Sector Development Planning Meeting Summary

I attended the May 22 East Gateway Sector Development Planning Meeting at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. About 100 East Gate Coalition members attended, but I didn't see any from our association except Mori Jafari. The meeting was conducted by Paula Donahue, City Senior Planner with a team of contract consultants. Before the Sector Plan discussion, we were told that an 0.125% county tax increase would be proposed for the Rail Runner and that an increase of 9.5% in gas and electric bills had been approved by the PRC.

Paula asked us to place green or red stickers on locations within the plan area indicating those they favored or not for attractiveness, drivability and security. We also asked to fill out cards with questions or comments on issues, needs, problems, etc. The plan will involve integration of transportation, land use and market studies for economic development feasibility. Duration will be 15 months with several milestones, tasks, schedules and key events. The objective is to make the East Gateway more prosperous and attractive.

The chief consultant presented a slide lecture showing the Centers and Corridors concept approved by the City, with high density centers with hotels and offices buildings at major intersections, integrated with residential neighborhoods between.

He showed various city street, business and residence configurations that have developed in major cities and pointed out their pros and cons and how they were able to adapt or not to changes in transportation, commercial building, and residential construction. Regulations must allow for interconnectivity, change, regulate use, maintain property values, and facilitiate trsnsportation and parking.

Paula will send attendees a report on their favored and unfavored areas for attractiveness, etc. and the issues they brought up or submitted on cards at the meeting. I'll send you a copy for e-mailing to our members.

Sent to Roger Mickelson


From Tom Conley - Meeting Attendee