April-May 2008
(Publication date: June 4, 2008)
Revitalization of East Central Avenue is moving forward, with a public “kick off” meeting on May 22 to discuss how the Sector Development Plan will be developed. The initial plan boundaries are Virginia Street on the west, Copper Avenue to I-40 on the north, the City limit on the east, and Kirtland AFB on the south as shown below in yellow; the much smaller Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is a darker shade of gray.
Paula Donahue, the Senior Planner for the Sector Plan, and the contractor Planning Team presented the program process, asked for public input as to good and bad locations in the plan area, and answered questions. The next series of public input meetings will be conducted during the last week in August. The Metropolitan Redevelopment planning process will support the sector plan by identifying a few projects to improve the economic and aesthetic environment. Paula can be reached at 924-3932 or pdonahue@cabq.gov.
Great Streets. The Planning Department proposed a complex and comprehensive Rank 2 (policy level) facility plan for embellishing two dozen street segments with landscaping, limited parking, walkable sidewalks, and other aesthetic features to give selected area residents a “sense of place.” Testimony and messages opposing the need for an overarching policy/plan convinced the Environmental Planning Commission to defer hearing the proposal until August. There have been some public meetings that generated both support and opposition; many comments are addressed in the Staff Report. However, there are still questions concerning costs (estimates are in the $50-70 million range); water use; maintenance; locations; and competing priorities in a time of tight budgets. The EPC directed that concerns be considered in a revised Staff Report and that the implementation process be clarified a month prior to the next hearing. Perhaps the 113 pages of standards and guidelines that provide many design templates and suggestions might more properly be considered during preparation or review of Sector Plans, Overlay Zones, or separate legislation rather than being incorporated into a citywide facility plan.
Form Based Code. The proposal to add a151-page addition to the Zoning Code was withdrawn at the EPC hearing due to extensive concerns and opposition. That document is being rewritten and should be available very soon. Several people who follow such things suspect that many controversial issues will remain. These may become issues for the Coalition to consider after receipt and analysis of the revised proposal.
Next Coalition meeting will be held at 6:30 pm on July 22, at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. The major topic on the agenda will be Focus on Crime, with an Albuquerque Police Department senior representative (Foothills Commander Levi Anaya or a Deputy Chief), District Attorney Kari Brandenburg, and other organizational officials prepared to answer questions. The intent is for a few presenters to summarize their roles in finding, arresting, investigating, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing criminals. This has been one of the major concerns of citizens, and I encourage all member-representatives to prepare some hard questions and to participate on July 22. More details will be provided via e-mail.
Roger Mickelson 323-9273 fhvhaRoger@aol.com
(Publication date: June 4, 2008)
Revitalization of East Central Avenue is moving forward, with a public “kick off” meeting on May 22 to discuss how the Sector Development Plan will be developed. The initial plan boundaries are Virginia Street on the west, Copper Avenue to I-40 on the north, the City limit on the east, and Kirtland AFB on the south as shown below in yellow; the much smaller Metropolitan Redevelopment Area is a darker shade of gray.
Paula Donahue, the Senior Planner for the Sector Plan, and the contractor Planning Team presented the program process, asked for public input as to good and bad locations in the plan area, and answered questions. The next series of public input meetings will be conducted during the last week in August. The Metropolitan Redevelopment planning process will support the sector plan by identifying a few projects to improve the economic and aesthetic environment. Paula can be reached at 924-3932 or pdonahue@cabq.gov.
Great Streets. The Planning Department proposed a complex and comprehensive Rank 2 (policy level) facility plan for embellishing two dozen street segments with landscaping, limited parking, walkable sidewalks, and other aesthetic features to give selected area residents a “sense of place.” Testimony and messages opposing the need for an overarching policy/plan convinced the Environmental Planning Commission to defer hearing the proposal until August. There have been some public meetings that generated both support and opposition; many comments are addressed in the Staff Report. However, there are still questions concerning costs (estimates are in the $50-70 million range); water use; maintenance; locations; and competing priorities in a time of tight budgets. The EPC directed that concerns be considered in a revised Staff Report and that the implementation process be clarified a month prior to the next hearing. Perhaps the 113 pages of standards and guidelines that provide many design templates and suggestions might more properly be considered during preparation or review of Sector Plans, Overlay Zones, or separate legislation rather than being incorporated into a citywide facility plan.
Form Based Code. The proposal to add a151-page addition to the Zoning Code was withdrawn at the EPC hearing due to extensive concerns and opposition. That document is being rewritten and should be available very soon. Several people who follow such things suspect that many controversial issues will remain. These may become issues for the Coalition to consider after receipt and analysis of the revised proposal.
Next Coalition meeting will be held at 6:30 pm on July 22, at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. The major topic on the agenda will be Focus on Crime, with an Albuquerque Police Department senior representative (Foothills Commander Levi Anaya or a Deputy Chief), District Attorney Kari Brandenburg, and other organizational officials prepared to answer questions. The intent is for a few presenters to summarize their roles in finding, arresting, investigating, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing criminals. This has been one of the major concerns of citizens, and I encourage all member-representatives to prepare some hard questions and to participate on July 22. More details will be provided via e-mail.
Roger Mickelson 323-9273 fhvhaRoger@aol.com