Tuesday, June 10, 2008

East Gateway Coalition Meeting July 22

Planning continues for the 6:30-8:30 meeting at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center. The primary topic of "Focus on Crime" may be preceded by a 5-10 minute pitch by City Legal on Alternate Dispute Resolution.

The approach for Focus on Crime is to allow speakers to speak for 3-5 minutes each on the role that their organization plays in the criminal justice system, beginning with actions taken after a crime (Sheriff Darren White, followed by APD Commander Levi Anaya or another APD representative); prosecutorial tasks (DA Kari Brandenburg); and trials (Judge Pat Murdock is the likely speaker). The focus should be on how suspects are handled throughout the process; what constraints exist that limit arrests/trials/convictions; how priorities are set; and what improvements are needed (e.g., staff, budget, legislation). After the talks are concluded, the floor would be opened for questions and answers and general discussion.

I trust that the attendees will come pre-armed with good questions and insightful concerns. Over the last years, I've heard many people who didn't fully understand why some perpetrators escaped justice---this is an opportunity for representatives of several community associations to ask and be answered.

Please note that our Bylaws prohibit any partisan political activities. I ask for your cooperation on sticking to the main topic of the evening.

Sincerely, Roger MickelsonPresident, East Gateway Coalition of Associations