Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eastgateway Coalition Newsletter Septemeber- October 2008

September-October 2008
(Publication date: October 28, 2008)

Revitalization of East Central Avenue. Meetings on the East Gateway Sector Development Plan were held in August, with an update on Planning Department and consultant progress on August 26. Focus group technical meetings were held on August 27, and a summary of the results was presented on August 28. The preliminary, conceptual ideas should not be taken as part of a “plan”; each concept needs to be reviewed in the coming weeks. A short summary of the MRA was presented at the District 9 meeting on October 22, 2008; the MRA will seek about three projects for special treatment in support of the Sector Plan. The Sector Plan boundaries are Virginia Street on the west, Copper Avenue to I-40 on the north, the City limit on the east, and KAFB on the south as shown below; the smaller Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) is a darker shade.
Paula Donahue, the city’s Senior Planner for the Sector Plan, and the contractor Planning Team will conduct a public meeting on November 20 at the East Gate Church, 12120 Copper NE, beginning at 6:30 PM to review the draft report and to discuss next steps in the process. It is important that concerned citizens participate in the redesign of our corner of Albuquerque—transportation, parks, public services, schools, aesthetics, urban design. Paula can be reached at 924-3932 or pdonahue@cabq.gov.

Great Streets. The Planning Department developed a facility plan for aesthetic landscaping, limiting parking, walkable sidewalks, and other features to provide a “sense of place” along selected streets in Albuquerque. There are still many unanswered questions concerning costs; water use; maintenance; locations; and competing priorities in a time of tight budgets. In particular, there is a concern that “beautifying” street segments in one part of Albuquerque will divert scarce tax revenues from capital projects in other parts of the city. The Planning Department was directed to revise the plan by the Environmental Planning Commission (EPC); that revision should be available for public review and comment by November 10. The EPC will probably review the revised proposal on December 11, 2008, at a special hearing.

Form Based Zones. The 63-page proposed Code amendment was reviewed at several special EPC informal meetings; many substantive changes were prepared, including:
Language was added to the General provisions establishing the use of the zones as allowed by existing legislation.
A list of incentives was included.
A new implementation process was adopted and is described in the plan.
Language regarding the administration of the zones was clarified and simplified.
The Definitions section has been removed and coordinated with the Zoning Code.
Many other technical changes were recommended by the Commissioners; the Planning Staff should complete the revision by the end of October. That draft should be available for public review by November 3, but may not be dealt with until November 17. It is anticipated that the Council President will refer the FBZ to the Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee for a hearing in December.

Coalition Meeting. The October 23 quarterly meeting included a presentation by Jill Holbert, Deputy Director of the Albuquerque Solid Waste Department, on Recycling—current program, goals (Zero landfill impact by 2030), and future expansion of the program. The Focus on Transportation included presentations on the 2030 Metropolitan Transportation Plan by Rodolfo Monge-Oviedo, Rio Metro Transit Plan by Bruce Rizzieri, I-40 closures and progress on corrective measures by Tony Abbo and Charles Remkes, and a summary of the 21st Century Transportation Task Force report by Tom Menicucci and Nevin Harwick. Discussion raised concerns about the Rio Metro proposed 1/8 cent tax increase (on the November ballot) and recommended extension of the 1/4 cent Transportation Infrastructure Tax due to expire in 2009. Questions were also raised about interagency plans to limit the effects of closures of I-40; progress has been made, but solutions are not yet sufficient. The conclusions of the 21st Century task force were discussed, particularly concerning the proposed modern streetcar, funding, and allocation of the proposed extended 1/4 cent tax.

Next Coalition meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on January 22, 2009, at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center.

Roger Mickelson 323-9273 fhvhaRoger@aol.com