Wednesday, February 18, 2009

EGWC Meeting Minutes 1/22/2009

Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009

Call to Order: The Annual Meeting of the East Gateway Coalition was called to order at 6:40 p.m. at the Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Center by Roger Mickelson. There were thirty participants, including three coalition officers, ten member association representatives, invited guests, and government officials. Member association representatives were provided with copies of the approved revised bylaws, the Treasurer’s Report and the October Meeting Minutes.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the October 23, 2008, were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: It was moved that the report of the Treasurer be accepted as presented; seconded, and passed.

Election of President and Secretary: Zack Hahn nominated Roger Mickelson for President for the ensuing two-year term. The nomination was seconded, and there were no ensuing nominations. Nominations were closed. All voted in favor of the nominee, and Roger was elected as President. Rose Sena nominated Geneiva Meeker as Secretary for the ensuing term. The nomination was seconded, and passed. There were no other nominations and nominations were closed. All voted in favor of Geneiva, who will serve as Secretary for the ensuing two-year term.

Public Regulation Commission Activities: Newly re-elected PRC commissioner, Jason Marks, provided information relative to new PNM rate increases and growth predictions that the commission is reviewing. PNM desires to construct five new transmission stations to satisfy the projected needs of its customers. The utility has received permission from the PRC to add a charge for the increased cost to install underground lines to service areas. He urged constituents to contact him at; e-mail: He may be telephoned at: 1.888.4AS.KPRC, or (cell) 505.235.8015.

Mail and Identity Theft: Stephanie Herman of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service spoke to the attendees on how to help avoid identity theft. Some points of interest if you are a victim of identity theft:
· Place a fraud alert on your credit reports.
· Review your reports
o Equifax: 1.800.525.6285
o Experian: 1.888.397.3742
o Trans Union: 1.800.680.7289

The alert will stay on your credit report for at least 90 days; an extended alert for seven years. (You may also obtain a FREE credit report from (1.877.322.8288). Next, close accounts that you know, or believe, have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. Then file a report with your local police where the identity theft took place. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. This may be done online at; by phone at 1.877.IDTHEFT.

Ms. Herman had many other pointers: shred financial documents; protect your Social Security number; do not give out personal information over the phone; never click on links sent in unsolicited emails; don’t use an obvious password such as your birth date; keep personal information in a secure place.

Ms. Herman provided four handouts, including a Quick Reference of pertinent organization contact phones, addresses, and e-mails. Highly recommended web sites include,, and

Member association representatives may request a copy of Ms. Herman’s PowerPoint presentation from Roger Mickelson at

Mayor Martin Chavez arrived at approximately 8:30. He discussed his recent trip to Washington, D.C. relative to requests for receipt of Federal funds to help cities defray costs of miscellaneous infrastructures; such as roadways, etc. (He was one of fifteen mayors invited to attend the meeting with President Barrack Obama’s economic advisers.) He noted that the State will probably receive about 1.3 million dollars, but the amount the City will receive is still unknown.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Geneiva Meeker, Secretary